Learn About Potential Side Effects of Oral ED Medications and Explore ED Treatment Options.

ED Treatment West Palm Beach FLRaise your hand if you’ve heard of Viagra! Many men, young and old, have experienced difficulties in the bedroom when it comes to getting or maintaining an erection.

Oral medications, such as Viagra, have become a popular solution. These oral medications can aid in providing extra assistance to those who need them, making them a common choice for men of all ages.

And while these medications are well-known, you might be wondering: how does ED medication work? Are they really safe?

Before you head to the doctor for a prescription, let’s take a moment to gather some information and consider a few things. We want to ensure you’re fully informed and aware of potential risks. And while we’re at it, let’s consider whether there might be a better way to address the root cause of the issue.

This blog post will discuss the potential risks of oral ED medications and why you should try West Palm Beach’s leading ED treatment.

Unlock a new chapter of confidence and vitality with our revolutionary ED treatment! Say goodbye to scary side effects and hello to a more fulfilling love life.

What is ED?

Having a healthy and satisfying sex life is essential for one’s overall well-being, and taking care of your sexual stamina is an important aspect of men’s health. It is normal for many men to have occasional difficulties in getting or keeping an erection, but if you consistently struggle with this, you might have erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is caused by poor blood flow to the penis. ED can affect any man at any age. Yes, even the seemingly young and healthy can have ED, too! Several medical conditions like heart disease and diabetes can cause ED, not to mention mental health issues, such as performance anxiety and various lifestyle factors.

Remember, there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed; ED is a common issue that can be addressed with the right support and treatment. Luckily for millions of men who have this condition that interferes with their sex life, treatment options for ED are available.

Oral ED Treatments: How Do They Work?

The most popular oral ED treatments are avanafil (Stendra), sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil. These medicines are called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. You can take these medications either with or without food, usually an hour before any sexual activity.

They enhance nitric oxide in the blood, which allows the blood vessels, especially in the penis, to widen. This boosts blood flow and helps you get an erection from sexual activity. Erections are more likely to occur and last longer when more blood flows into the area.

Once the medication has left your body, the positive effects will diminish. However, it’s important to note that these short-term medications can have alarming side effects. Moreover, not all men can take these oral ED medications because of their existing conditions.

Some of these conditions include:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Liver problems or disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • High blood pressure
  • Peyronie’s Disease
  • Leukemia

The Ugly: Side Effects of Oral ED Medications

Oral ED medications allow more blood to flow to the penis for an erection. This effect can be beneficial for ED, but it can also cause some bothersome side effects. Although rare, some severe side effects can also occur.

Below are some of the common side effects of oral ED medications you should know about:

  1. Flushes

    Since oral ED medications affect blood vessels beyond your penis, you may notice your skin looks red or feels warm to the touch. This happens as blood vessels that are close to the surface of your skin dilate or widen. Skin flushing usually goes away with treatment.

  2. Upset stomach; nausea

    Oral ED medications relax smooth muscles, including the smooth muscle along the gastrointestinal tract. This can lead to an upset stomach and/or nausea. It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol with these medications, as it can cause stomach discomfort or heartburn.

  3. Dizziness; headache

    Headaches and dizziness are common side effects of oral ED medications, especially if you take higher dosages. These medications affect blood vessels not only in the penis but also in other parts of the body, which can lead to chemical changes in the brain and cause headaches and dizziness.

  4. Prolonged erection

    ED medications may sometimes have longer-than-expected effects. An erection lasting more than 4 hours (priapism) can happen, even though it is rare. It’s when blood can’t properly drain back out. If left untreated, it can result in permanent damage to the penis. Therefore, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately.

Contact your healthcare provider if you experience one of these rare but serious side effects.

The Best ED Treatments in West Palm Beach

At Hormone Logics, we believe that you shouldn’t suffer just because you have erectile dysfunction. We provide ED treatment options that are safe and effective!

Hormone Logics has been successfully treating erectile dysfunction in men for many years.

We understand that speaking to your doctor about ED could be difficult. Despite the increase in the availability of treatments for sexual wellness issues in recent years, many men still are afraid to seek help for problems in the bedroom.

Learn more here: Tips for Preventing Erectile Dysfunction in West Palm Beach, FL

Get Back In The Game with ED Treatment in West Palm Beach

ED Treatment West Palm Beach FLReclaim your masculinity and reignite the spark in your relationship with our safe and reliable ED treatment today! Learn why parents are raving about its benefits, and experience a new level of wellness today!

Book your appointment now or call us at 844-966-0991 for a consultation, and get ready to start living your best life yet. Contact Hormone Logics Anti-Aging Clinic and Medical Spa in West Palm Beach, FL, today.

We’re near Cumberland Farms gas station and 7 minutes away from West Palm Beach! We also offer other wellness treatments, such as hormone therapy for men and andropause treatment.

Click here to read what Hormone Logics patients have to say about ED treatment!

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Mazyar Rouhani, MD, FAAEM

Medical Director

After completing his residency training at Vanderbilt University and Medical Center, Dr. Rouhani returned home to practice…

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