By Mazyar Rouhani, MD Posted August 6, 2021 In Men's Health

There Isn’t Any Supplement That Can Do What Testosterone Therapy Can!

Testosterone TherapyThere is no shortage of “testosterone boosters” or “testosterone supplements out there.

If you are a man over 40, your social media feeds are probably filled with ads for them. Don’t be fooled. None of these products can do for you what testosterone therapy in West Palm Beach, FL, can.

One of the latest such products making waves is something called ZMA. It contains three ingredients: zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of those ingredients, and they can have some health benefits for men.

However, its’ manufacturers claim ZMA has a variety of performance-enhancing abilities, such as “building muscle mass” and “increasing testosterone levels.” Those claims are unproven at best. Nutritional supplements like ZMA are not regulated by the FDA, so they can get away with making just about any health claims they wish about their products.

People take ZMA for various reasons, including to increase testosterone, aid recovery, improve sleep quality, boost immunity, and help with muscle and strength, as manufacturers claim ZMA can help in these areas. However, there is little or no research to support these claims.

The ingredients in ZMA can provide some health benefits, but they can no more “boost your testosterone” than taking a daily multivitamin containing the same ingredients.

Testosterone Therapy Vs. Testosterone Supplements

There are some ways to naturally raise your testosterone, such as through diet, exercise, and to a degree – taking certain amino acids and other nutritional supplements. However, if you are diagnosed with low testosterone, a condition also called “andropause,” the only way to treat it is with testosterone replacement therapy.

For men suffering from age-related testosterone deficiency, testosterone replacement therapy has been proven to:

  • Increase Libido and Improve Sexual Performance

    One of the first benefits men on testosterone replacement notice is an increase in sex drive and overall sexual satisfaction. Men who had difficulties with ED prior to taking testosterone find they have an improved ability to gain and sustain erections.

  • Increased Lean Muscle Mass

    Testosterone therapy improves your body’s ability to build lean muscle mass. It also increases your exercise capacity, so you can work out more, which further helps you to build lean muscle. Lean muscle raises your metabolism and increases your body’s ability to burn fat.

  • Improved Mood, Cognition, and Focus

    Another common benefit of testosterone therapy for men is improved memory and increased alertness. Brain mapping studies have found that in men with low testosterone, testosterone therapy improves cognitive abilities and focus.

    Testosterone also enhances the release of serotonin and other “feel good” brain chemicals, which means it can help regulate mood and combat anxiety and depression.

  • Better Sleep

    Low testosterone levels can lead to a lack of sleep and sleep apnea. Testosterone therapy can help you sleep quicker and experience deeper, more restful sleep.

  • Increased Strength and Stamina

    Testosterone increases your cell’s ability to turn the food you eat into energy.

    In so doing, it increases your energy levels, your strength, and endurance. Unlike various “testosterone boosters” and “testosterone supplements,” testosterone therapy is a clinically proven, safe, and effective way to treat low testosterone.

    Keep in mind that real testosterone can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. Any product or supplement that claims to be testosterone or contains testosterone that you can buy without a prescription cannot, by law, contain any real testosterone.


The Best Treatments for Age-Related Hormone Decline

You deserve to enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle at any age! But, unfortunately, as men and women age, your levels of critical hormones like testosterone drop, which negatively impacts your ability to enjoy life.

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is the key to getting back what time and nature take away. Hormone Logics has been successfully treating patients with age-related hormone loss with our unique hormone replacement therapies for men and women for many years.

Medical research has shown that testosterone replacement and/or HGH therapy are extremely effective ways to treat age-related hormone decline. Hormone Logics’ HRT treatments for men and women have been proven to offer individuals between the ages of 35 and 65 a greatly improved quality of life.

Why not contact us today at (561) 640-3333, and see if testosterone replacement or any of our hormone replacement programs is right for you?

Meet The Doctor

Mazyar Rouhani, MD, FAAEM

Medical Director

After completing his residency training at Vanderbilt University and Medical Center, Dr. Rouhani returned home to practice…

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