Menopause Therapy
The menopause refers to that time in every woman’s life when her periods stop and her ovaries lose their reproductive function. Usually, this occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but in a few exceptional cases women may become menopausal in their 30s, or even younger. This is then known as a premature menopause, or premature ovarian failure.

What is Menopause?
The menopause is regulated by hormones or more correctly, by a change in hormone levels. During a woman’s fertile years, her ability to produce an egg each month is determined by the release of three reproductive hormones (estradiol, estrone, and estriol), that are referred to collectively as estrogen. Estrogen is mainly produced by the ovaries, though small amounts are also made by the adrenal glands and by the placenta of a pregnant woman.
It is estrogen which stimulates female characteristics at puberty and controls a woman’s reproductive cycle: the development and release of an egg each month (ovulation) for implantation in the uterus (womb), and the way in which the lining of the womb thickens to house a fertilized egg. The monthly period happens because no implantation has taken place there is no pregnancy and the lining of the womb is shed.
As women get older, their store of eggs in the ovary decreases and their ability to conceive diminishes. At this time, less estrogen is produced, causing the body to behave differently. However the body does not stop producing estrogen overnight, and the process can even take several years, during which symptoms arise gradually. This gradual change is called the peri-menopause.
At around the age of 50-55 years, the monthly cycle stops completely so no more ovulations, no more periods and no more pregnancies. This is the menopause.
Symptoms of Menopause
During pre-menopause (known as “the change”), women will still have a menstrual cycle, although the cycle may become erratic and woman may skip periods as hormone levels fluctuate. This is only one symptom of menopause.
Other symptoms may include:
NOTE: Loss of bone density can be reversed with hormone replacement therapy and HGH in tandem. It has been demonstrated to lessen the risk of heart disease as well by strengthening the heart muscles.
Our bones consist of cells that grow new bone tissue and cells that dissolve (re-absorb) old bone. This occurs continually throughout our lives. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone help our bodies absorb calcium from the intestinal tract. Estrogen slows the action of cells that cause bone breakdown. Progesterone, HGH, and testosterone stimulate cells that build bone. Growth hormone is another hormone that begins to decline as early as the mid-twenties. When raised to more youthful levels, growth hormone (HGH) shows great promise in rebuilding lost bone. During pre-menopause, as hormones decline, women can lose 1 to 6 percent of their bone mass each year and is most pronounced in areas of faster bone growth such as the spine.
HGH Hormone therapy is a successful and widely accepted way to treat the negative effects of menopause and, according to The Journal of the American Medical Association, most effective when started at the onset of menopause.
Managing your Menopause with HGH Hormone
From the time women enter puberty until the end of the last menstrual period every woman is aware of the ebb and flow of constant hormonal changes in her body. This complex interplay of HGH hormones continues until she reaches her late 40’s or early 50’s. HGH Hormone replacement therapy offers a solution to the many physical symptoms of menopause.
More About Menopause
The regular cycling of these hormones begin to change as early as the mid-thirties and symptoms likely begin in the mid-forties as women begin the process known as pre-menopause. It is the time when levels of key hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone begin to fluctuate and are accentuated by declines in other equally important hormones, namely HGH, DHEA/Pregnenolone and even thyroid gland function. Pre-menopause continues until periods stop and the woman become menopausal.
Surgical menopause involves a woman suddenly entering menopause by surgical removal of the ovaries. It can happen at almost any age and without proper hormone replacement, symptoms of hormone deficiency will be quite severe unless they are reversed using HGH as part of a complete hormone replacement therapy.
Though treated as a disease by doctors, women know it as a natural and inevitable transition from one stage of life to another. Puberty marks the beginning of reproductive life menopause marks the end.
Benefits of BHRT For Women
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has offered many women relief from these troublesome symptoms. This therapy uses bioidentical hormone supplements to bring the body back into proper hormonal balance. Bioidentical hormones are natural compounds, derived from plants. Unlike commonly prescribed synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as hormones produced by the body, allowing them to be metabolized much more easily. That chemical compatibility with the body yields more effective symptom relief than synthetic hormones with fewer risks and side effects.
Another important difference between BHRT and synthetic hormone replacement is individuality. Synthetic hormones are standardized into one-size-fits-all dosages and ratios. One-size-fits-all never fits anyone quite right under any circumstances, but can especially problematic when it comes to balancing each woman’s unique body chemistry. Bioidentical therapy is specifically formulated for each woman, her hormone levels and overall health carefully assessed to determine exactly what she needs to achieve and maintain her own unique and delicate hormonal balance for optimal health and well-being.
Restoring hormonal balance with BHRT has helped many women make the transition to the menopausal phase of life much more comfortable. Benefits experienced from the use of BHRT can include improved sleep quality, reduction or elimination of hot flashes, increased energy and restoration of sex drive. Many women find that mood swings, anxiety and depression are improved or eliminated as the body’s hormones come back into balance, promoting a general sense of well-being. Greater mental clarity and memory have been reported, as has increased muscle tone, decreased body fat and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
While women cannot avoid the change of life, they do not have to suffer with symptoms that make the adjustment more difficult than necessary. BHRT can help ease the body through the many changes that occur in the body as the reproductive cycles winds down. Menopause is the start of a new phase of life, with new possibilities and priorities. Why not take advantage of today’s advanced medical knowledge to ensure that you are prepared to make the most of it?