By Mazyar Rouhani, MD Posted August 21, 2021 In Men's Health

A Man’s Finger Length Holds a Clue to His Testosterone Levels

Testosterone Therapy for Men West Palm BeachIt is important that men know their testosterone levels for optimum health. Your finger size could give you some idea of how high or low your testosterone could be!

Apparently, when it comes to “manliness,” size does matter. But maybe not in the way you are thinking of. Studies have shown that the size of a man’s fingers, specifically the ratio between his index finger and ring finger, the so-called “2D-4D” ratio is indicative of the amount of testosterone he was exposed to in the womb.

Men whose index finger is shorter than their ring finger, which reflects a high in-utero exposure to testosterone, exhibit certain physical and emotional attributes indicative of higher testosterone levels throughout their lives.

Studies have determined that men with this characteristic are better equipped to solve mentally demanding tasks as adults. As a group, they also have better physical and athletic abilities.

In addition, men with short index fingers and long ring fingers tend to:

  • Be nicer to women and exhibit more “agreeable” and less “quarrelsome” behaviors.
  • Have a longer and wider penis.
  • Be more “handsome” or physically attractive to the opposite sex.
  • Score higher on SATs and other standardized tests.

Why Are Testosterone Levels So Important?

Regardless if a man has a finger ratio that indicates high testosterone exposure in the womb and the related traits that can lead to, as mentioned earlier – every man’s testosterone level declines as he ages.

This means even if you are one of those who started off with a higher level at birth, to begin with, you still face the same steady decline of testosterone that occurs soon after you reach your 20th birthday.

Once you are over 30, your testosterone level starts to drop at a rate of 1% – 2% every year. By the time you are 70, your testosterone level is likely to be half of what it was in your 20s. Due to this steady decline, most men between the ages of 35 and 65 are suffering from some degree of age-related testosterone deficiency.

The symptoms of age-related low testosterone include:

  • Low libido and erectile dysfunction
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of lean muscle
  • Weight gain, particularly increased belly fat
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Mood swings, depression, and anxiety
  • Memory loss and cognitive difficulties

Any disease or injury that impacts the testes could lead to low testosterone in men. However, the primary cause of low testosterone or “andropause” in men over 40 is the normal drop in testosterone that occurs as men age.

Despite its continued need, once you exit your teen years, your testosterone levels start to decline steadily. It is this drop in testosterone levels that occur the older you get that is primarily responsible for low testosterone in men.

The good news is that testosterone replacement therapy can give you back what time and nature take away.

What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Here are some of the many benefits that hundreds of patients are experiencing from testosterone replacement therapy at our West Palm Beach, Florida-based hormone clinics right now.

A 2009 study concluded that “Restoring testosterone levels to within the normal range by using testosterone replacement therapy can improve many of the effects of low testosterone.

Most importantly, these include beneficial effects on mood, energy levels, patients’ sense of well-being, sexual function, lean body mass, muscle strength, bone mineral density (BMD), cognition, and some benefits on cardiovascular risk factors.”

In addition, testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to provide the following:

  • Improved skin and hair health
  • Increased strength and vitality
  • Weight loss
  • Improved heart health
  • Stronger bones
  • Improved sleep

The Best Treatments for Age-Related Hormone Decline

You deserve to enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle at any age! But, unfortunately, as men and women age, your levels of critical hormones like testosterone drop, which harm your ability to enjoy life.

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is the key to getting back what time and nature take away.

Hormone Logics has been successfully treating patients with age-related hormone loss with our unique hormone replacement therapies for men and women for many years.

Medical research has shown that testosterone replacement and/or HGH replacement therapy are extremely effective ways to treat age-related hormone decline. Hormone Logics’ HRT treatments for men and women have been proven to offer individuals between the ages of 35 and 65 a greatly improved quality of life.

Our medical director is  Mazyar Rouhani, MD. Dr. Rouhani has long been a medical innovator. He is a co-founder of Symptify, an online symptom checker to better educate patients about their conditions. Recently, Dr. Rouhani has focused his endeavors on improving patients’ health using IV fluid hydration.

Using his medical expertise combined with his passion for optimizing each individual’s health and vitality, Dr. Rouhani combines his knowledge and expertise to provide an integrated approach to antiaging medicine to help his patients look and feel their best.

I started working with Dr. Rouhani when I started having some “trouble in the bedroom.” After taking a complete medical history and having my blood work done, we found out I had low testosterone. I’m only 45, and I did not think I had to worry about that! After a few months on testosterone injections, I am totally a new man in every way you can imagine!

Bill S., West Palm Beach, FL

At Hormone Logics we believe aging better should be effortless, and with our bioidentical hormone therapy, diet, nutraceutical, and exercise programs, this goal is definitely within reach.

We focus on Individualizing Hormone Therapy for Men and Women specializing in Hormone Replacement for approved indications of Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men and Menopause for women.

If you would like to learn a little bit more about the many life-changing benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, please contact us today by calling at (561) 640-3333.

Meet The Doctor

Mazyar Rouhani, MD, FAAEM

Medical Director

After completing his residency training at Vanderbilt University and Medical Center, Dr. Rouhani returned home to practice…

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